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writing scholarships

Your future depends on you, not your bank account.

Apply for one of two writing scholarships for the Be Your Own Best Editor Summer 2019 class.

The Scholarship.

Believe me, I understand what it’s like to count the days until the next check arrives, to see your credit balance steadily rise, to become increasingly inventive with what you can find in your fridge. The “starving artist” sterotype does unfortunately exist for a reason. But I don’t care much for stereotypes. And if you’re reading this, I bet you don’t care much for them, either. Stereotypes were made to be broken.

Pursuing your creative talents, developing that which is best in you, doesn’t have to be an exercise in financial humility. You can build a life that is both creatively and financially rewarding.

There are only really two paths that can get you there. You could put in the time, the research, the trial and error. You could make your way through the years it usually takes to figure out not only what business model can get you want you want, but also how to build it. Or, you could invest in training programs that—while still requiring dedication and a whole lot of effort—can give you the insight and tools you need to create the career of your dreams in a fraction of the time.

But if you can’t afford the investment, your options shouldn’t automatically be sliced in half.

Two scholarship spots are available for the Summer 2019 class of Be Your Own Best Editor. Scholarships cover the full cost of tuition. Recipients will receive the same benefits as every other BYOBE member, including future access to the course every time it’s offered.

Applying is easy.*

The deadline to apply is Monday, July 29.
Winners will be announced on Thursday, August 1.

  • Send a letter to [email protected] explaining why you want to join the BYOBE’19 class, how it could make a difference in your career or your life, and what financial limitations might prevent you from otherwise enrolling.
  • If you haven’t already, join my mailing list (you’ll receive weekly writing tips and advice, special offers, and Today Letters)

Yes, it’s that’s simple! If you have questions not answered here, you can always reach me at [email protected]. Thanks, and good luck!


*BYOBE Scholarships are intended for those who could not otherwise afford the cost of tuition. If that statement does not apply to you, then please consider one of two other payment options.

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Christie Chisholm Creative
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