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“A thing of pure brilliance.”
—Emily Eley, Emily Eley Coaching

7 Secrets to Killer Copy

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7 Secrets to Killer Copy

Get my best tips on how to instantly make anything you write more engaging, higher converting, and more fun to write in the first damn place.

“A thing of pure brilliance.”
—Emily Eley, Emily Eley Coaching

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It sits in my inbox like a little treasure, waiting for when I do have time to open it. I have had some of your letters stay in my inbox for months, being re-read and re-read, gifts each time I open them.

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This is so profoundly beautiful. It touches a chord with me—that I so needed to hear. Thank you.

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You’re excellent and heartbreaking slash heart-opening.

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What you write is often beautiful and unexpected, and I think beautiful because it’s unexpected.

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Holy crap. If anything could make me understand, these words could. I’m grateful for what you’ve taught me. Keep writing and writing.

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I always have trouble putting words together so when you brilliantly bundle words I am enthralled. I love everything you write and it always resonates with me. I started following you when you wrote about women’s treatment by men. That was one of the most
moving pieces I have ever read and it made me analyze every interaction I’ve ever had. I sent it to every woman I know. It doesn’t matter what you write about, I eagerly await your next offering.

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I find myself thinking about it later in quiet times throughout the day.”

I just wanted to say that your writing is beautiful. It takes me out of my life for a moment without being pretentious or overwhelming, and I really appreciate that. I find myself thinking about it later in quiet times throughout the day. Thank you for writing and sharing it.

— Lindsay M.

“Your words are like perfume. They linger in the air.”

— William S.

Christie Chisholm Creative
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